ANGEL 改变了好多 变得好乖
没有了以前的小姐脾气 也很听话
人 总要痛过一次 才会明白
这个世上 每天一直等着我们回家的人
还是 我妈
我答应我以后 不会再让她担心
我想 今天是我最后一次写日记
是时候 也该听听
这里的最后一张照片 是他送的
照片里的三个字 “睡醒嚒?”
也该是时候 有个答案
这首歌 我每天都听
现在 终于明白它的意思了
I've tried so many different ways to get you to love me
I've tried every day, I've given you everything you've wanted
It’s like I’m walking a bridge that leads to your heart
I’m still thinking and hoping the water will take my true love to you
So why have I been walking for so long, but I still haven’t reached you?
Why does looking at the path does it seem so long?
I want to know what I must do
How much further is it until I’ll be near you? Tell me
How much further is it until you’ll finally love me?
Is there any way that might make you interested in me? Please
Tell me, let me know if in the end I’m still significant
I’m still not considering giving up, I’m just tired, that’s all
In my heart, I still love you the same, it’s never changed
It would be a big help if you told me and let me know
The different reasons as to why you still hide the things in your heart